Termination Competition 2015 Registration

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Registration process is like it was last year. In short,

  • get a starexec account, upload your solver
  • send email to J. Waldmann with:
    • categories that you want to enter,
    • and for each category, the starexec IDs of your solver and config.

Compare Termination Competition 2014 Registration

Please do send in solver/config Ids, even if they refer to preliminary versions, or last year's, as I (J.W.) will start testing.

These IDs for solver and config might get published even before competition. If you want to keep the solvers secret for now, then put them in a private space and add me to this space.

I will make available publically some results of pre-competition test runs (on random, small subsets): http://nfa.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/termcomp-devel/competitions

Here are some strange outputs of test runs

Registered Solvers

current status is here: http://nfa.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/termcomp-devel/registered/Y2015

Benchmark submissions

Submit benchmarks to René Thiemann.

DO NOT EDIT HERE. Report errors and omissions by email.


  • Runtime Complexity Innermost: Bugfix reported by Florian Frohn
  • C: Typo corrections (discussed on termtools list)
  • Runtime Complexity Innermost: Patches and new benchmarks from Martin Avanzini and Michael Schaper
  • C: Patches from Matthias Heizmann
  • C: Renaming from Thomas Ströder
  • TRS relative: by Akihisa Yamada


  • TRS Standard: test cases related to non-termination, by Jörg Endrullis
  • Integer Transitions: repaired versions of translated problems (?)


postponed (that is, submission will not happen before 2015 competition)

  • SRS Standard: set of one-rule SRS, by Mario Wenzel