Termination Competition 2020
In 2020, the Termination and Complexity Competition will be affiliated with IJCAR.
The competition will be run on the StarExec platform in advance of IJCAR, followed by bug/conflict reporting phase and allowance for bug fixes. The final results, as well as contributions in bug reports, should be reported on-line at IJCAR.
- Tool and Problem Submission: June 19, 2020 (AoE)
- First Run: June 20
- Bug/Conflict Report Deadline: June 25
- Bugfix Deadline: June 28
- Finalization of Results: July 1
Competition Categories and Awards
The competition contains several categories for termination and complexity from the areas of term rewriting (all categories with HO/FO-TRSs, with- or without strategies) and programming languages (Logic Programming, Haskell, Java, C, integer transition systems, ...)
Proposals for new categories are welcome and will be discussed in the mailing list.
A category is only run at the competition if there are at least 2 participants and at least 40 examples
for this category in the underlying termination problem data base.
Competition Procedure
All participants in the same category will be run on the existing problems of this category. There might be modifications of the rules suggested by the organizer and decided by the SC.
The wall-clock timeout will be 300 seconds, and 4 cores will be available (if a tool wants to use concurrent execution). The tools will be started in their directory and obtain
- the problem file name on the command line,
- and extra info from environment variables, cf. Termination Competition 2014 technical details
The tools are expected to give an answer (YES, NO, MAYBE) in the first line on stdout, followed by a proof in ASCII, HTML, or CPF format. Exceptions to these rules are the certified (see also the CPF-website) and complexity categories. See all existing categories for more details.
For those categories devoted to prove only termination or non-termination, the score of a tool is the number of non-contradictory answers minus the given penalization (if any).
A proof or answer that is known to be wrong will be penalized by -10 points, if it remains after the bugfix deadline. SC will decide what should be penalized, depending on participants discussion.
Steering Committee
Florian Frohn, MPI Saarbrücken Jürgen Giesl, RWTH Aachen Georg Moser, University of Innsbruck Albert Rubio (Chair), UPC Barcelona Akihisa Yamada (Organizer), AIST Tsukuba
Participants must be registered on Starexec (so you can upload and test your solver): enter your data at StarExecRegistration, indicating the competition categories where you plan to enter tools and problems, and then upload your contributions to StarExec
Then, please email the competition's organizer (A. Yamada) indicating which categories you want to participate and the startexec IDs of your account, your tool, and a configuration per category. Participants of the previous competition can just indicate so if they want to participate to the same categories.
We recommend to register early. After the deadline, access to StarExec might be restricted. We need time to prepare the competition, and other competitions may be running in parallel.
It is highly recommended that participants also subscribe to the termtools mailing list, because that is where announcements will be made, and where discussion takes place.
StarExec Information
this refers to StarExec in general, and not to Termination in particular.
- user guide
- (new in 2019) issue tracker
- announcements and discussion (combined feed for recent messages)
- (obsolete) announcements and discussion (discontinued, but contains some information that is still valid and not available elsewhere)
Technical Detail
The competition will be running on StarExec - a cross-community solver (tool) execution and benchmark (problem) library service under joint development (since 2012) at the University of Iowa and the University of Miami.
Competition data will be presented via starexec-master (a successor of star-exec-presenter developed at HTWK Leipzig).
Technical details about the execution platform (as of 2014) can be found here.
To contact the steering committee of the termination competition, send an email to terminationcompetitionsc<at>lists.rwth-aachen.de.
The competition organizers can be reached at akihisa.yamada<at>aist.go.jp.
Send new problems for the competition to the organizer.
Changes with respect to 2019
These lists reflect the discussion in the community, and in the steering committee. Items are preliminary, and not officially binding. Please do not edit this list (unless you're in the SC). Instead, send proposals to termtools or terminationcompetitionsc mailing list, or create a new wiki page and put a link here.