C Integer Programs
P: Program
PRE: Start of the program, including the declaration of an external
function for non-deterministic values
POST: The end of the program
D: Variable declaration
V: Variable name
INS: Instruction
A: Assignment
L: Loop
C: Condition
NE: Numerical expression
N: Number
BE: Boolean expression
NO: Numerical operator
BO: Boolean operator
BC: Boolean connective
W: Whitespace
Grammar: P = PRE D* W? I* POST PRE = W?
"extern" W "int" W "__VERIFIER_nondet_int" W? "(" W? "void" W? ")" W? ";" W? "int" W "main" W? "(" W? ")" W? "{" W?
POST = W? "return" W "0" W? ";" W? "}" W? D = "int" W V W? ";" V = [a-z,A-Z] [a-z,A-Z,0-9]* I = (A | L | C) W? ";" A = V W? "=" W? NE L = "while" W? "(" W? BE W? ")" W? "{" W? I* W? "}" C = "if" W? "(" W? BE W? ")" W? "{" W? I* W? "}" (W? "else" W? "{" W? I* W? "}")? NE = N | V | NE W? NO W? NE | "(" W? NE W? ")" | "-" W? NE N = 0 | [1-9] [0-9]* | "__VERIFIER_nondet_int" W? "(" W? ")" BE = "true" | "false" | NE W? BO W? NE | BE W? BC W? BE | "!" W? BE | "(" W? BE W? ")" NO = "+" | "-" | "*" BO = "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "==" | "!=" BC = "&&" | "||" | "==" | "!=" W = (" " | "\n") (" " | "\n")*
Calls to __VERIFIER_nondet_int() yield non-deterministic values (possibly different ones each time the function is called) and each function call terminates without side effects.
Integers are treated as mathematical integers (so no overflows can occur) and apart from that, the C-sematics are used.