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[[Category: Categories]]
[[Category: Categories]]
=== Semantics ===
We define a (global) transition relation <math>\mathit{next}</math> as follows:
  ((x \cdot \mathit{xs}), (y \cdot \mathit{ys})) \in \mathit{next} \text{ iff } \\[\jot]
    \exists p \in \mathit{Proc} : 
      &\mathit{step}_p(x, y) \land \mathit{xs} = \mathit{ys}  \\[\jot]
      \mathrel{\lor}& \exists q \in \mathit{Proc}:
        &\mathit{call}^p_q(x, y) \land (x \cdot \mathit{xs}) = \mathit{ys} \\[\jot]
        \mathrel{\lor} &\mathit{return}^p_q(x, z, y) \land \mathit{xs} = (z \cdot \mathit{ys})

Revision as of 09:03, 16 June 2014


We define a (global) transition relation <math>\mathit{next}</math> as follows: <math>

 ((x \cdot \mathit{xs}), (y \cdot \mathit{ys})) \in \mathit{next} \text{ iff } \\[\jot]
   \exists p \in \mathit{Proc} :  
     &\mathit{step}_p(x, y) \land \mathit{xs} = \mathit{ys}  \\[\jot]
     \mathrel{\lor}& \exists q \in \mathit{Proc}: 
       &\mathit{call}^p_q(x, y) \land (x \cdot \mathit{xs}) = \mathit{ys} \\[\jot]
       \mathrel{\lor} &\mathit{return}^p_q(x, z, y) \land \mathit{xs} = (z \cdot \mathit{ys})
